Mum-of-one has now vowed to move out of her two-bedroom home as she is certain it is haunted after “ghost “appears in selfie$6

Natasha Boden, 26,from Blackpool, Lancashire,has now vowed to move out of he two-bedroom home after a “ghost appeard in a selfie she had taken reports The Daily Mirror.

“I’ve never believed in ghosts or anything like that. If someone else had taken the photograph, I would think it was a load of rubbish but the face is so clear.” said Natasha and the Daily Mirror seems to agree with her.

I mean the face is so clear,what else could t be.

I am sure Simon Carr of The Daily Mirror looked at other possibilities of what this is before he ran with this amazing scoop.

He most certainly would have ruled out Pareidolia as an explanation.

Pareidolia being a psychological phenomenon involving a stimulus (an image or a sound) wherein the mind perceives a familiar pattern of something where none actually exists.

You know when you swear you can see a face in a tree or a castle in the clouds or mayhaps a “ghost” in a selfie,that’s Pareidolia.

Heres a few examples of the phenomena.

But as i say i am sure Mr Carr has ruled this out along with the possibility of fraud.We have all seen the apps available nowadays.A quick search of apple or google stores will yield many photo editing apps capable of inserting the image of a ghost into a photograph,some with quite impressive results.

Here are a few examples.

But again I am sure Mr Carr of the Daily Mirror has ruled out this possibility , as anyone who calls themselves a journalist would be able to debunk this story in just few minutes if it was in fact false.

So that leaves one conclusion.Natasha was in fact photobombed by a snapchat loving ghost,either that or the Daily Mirror is deliberately running a bullshit story and they wouldn’t do that would they.