Has Global Warming Killed The Yeti ?

For hundreds of years the people of the Himalayas have told tales of the Yeti or Abominable Snowman,a mythical ape like creature that stalks the snowy mountains of Asia.

The beast is said to be a muscular creature , covered with dark grayish or reddish-brown hair, and weigh between 200 and 400 pounds.

According to H. Siiger, the Yeti was a part of the pre-Buddhist beliefs of several Himalayan people. He also reported that followers of the Bon,a Tibetan religious sect not to dissimilar to the Tibetan Buddhists, once believed the blood of the “mi rgod” or “wild man” had use in certain mystical ceremonies. The being was depicted as an apelike creature who carries a large stone as a weapon.

In 1832, TheJournal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal published trekker B.H Hodgson account of his experiences in  Nepal. His local guides spotted a tall, bipedal creature covered with long dark hair, which seemed to flee in fear. Hodgson in all his wisdom decided that the most logical explanation was an orangutan.

Later in 20th century when Westerners began to make serious attempts to scale the many mountains in the area and occasionally reported seeing odd creatures or strange tracks.

Sir Edmund Hilary the first man to scale mount Everst along with his sherpa Tenzig Norgay reported seeing large footprints while scaling Mountin,Norgay later said that he believed the Yeti was a large ape.

So Bigfoots Asian cousin has been knocking around for a good few hundred years at least.But maybe not any longer.

Reports of Yeti sightings are declining over recent years claim locals the last  known sighting of the mythical beast by locals was six years ago when a young farmer named Norbu from a village called Chendebji .

Norbu claims to have to have not only  discovered a Yetis nest but slept the night in it,unfortunately no Yeti was seen.


The BBC put forward this explanation.

“People don’t need to go up to the mountain to collect wood or graze their animals. They cook on gas rings, and farming patterns have changed. The villagers spend more of their time growing cash crops such as potatoes and oil seeds.”

So as modern technology becomes more prevalent,the locals spend less and less time in the wilderness thus interactions with humanoid beast decrease.The Yetis are still alive and well living in his remote hideout somewhere in Asian mountains.

But  the pessimist in me suggest a different idea what if they are all dead?

The Abominable Snowmen or Snowwomen (lets not be sexist) if they ever existed where surly a rare species,and could not have a large population or else more physical evidence  would exist.

But would could have changed?

Why would a creature that has lived for century’s suddenly become extinct?

One  answer that springs to my mind is Global Warming.

Warming in the Himalayas has already occurred at three times the global average. Glaciers in the eastern and central part of Himalayas are retreating at rates similar to those in other parts of the world,and native wildlife such as the snow leopards are on the endangered species list.

According to the WWF The Himalayas is prime snow leopard habitat and continued warming will cause their range to shrink as the treeline moves higher up the mountains. This will not only fragment and isolate snow leopard populations, but it will severely affect their prey too – causing some of the alpine pastures that blue sheep and Himalayan tahr (the snow leopard’s main prey) rely on to be replaced by forest. Declines in the snow leopard’s natural prey are already causing snow leopards to take livestock – and farmers will kill them to protect their livelihoods. So any more declines in natural prey will make this problem worse.


So there is already existing evidence that Global Warming is having an effect on the wildlife population of the Asian Mountains.

And with what must be already slim numbers of the creatures I ask this.

Have we killed the Yeti?

Has mankind’s failure to take serious  action on climate change driven a creature that was once worshiped by the followers of the Bon as an almost god like entity, to extinction?

I might to late for the Yeti but its not late for the snow leopard and the other wildlife of the Himalayan mountains.

I can imagine a day when  future generations will view the Snow leopard as we today see the Yeti, a creature of legend that might or might not existed.



A third mysterious orb has crashed into a small spanish village.


A third mysterious black  object to fall from the sky into rural Spainsh village of Villavieja in Murcia causing  alarm among locals.

The first mysterious object was found last week by local goat farmers,according to the daily mail.

Although the object was not said to be radioactive or explosive,the area was still quarantined by the Civil Guard and the object it taken away for further analysis.

Then days later a second artifact is reported to have fell to earth just stones throw from where the first object was discovered.


It  has been confirmed that the second spherical object is very similar to the first and is about 80 centimeters in diameter.

Local news sites are reporting that researchers have said that the objects may be a pressurized gas container, which fell to earth from space possibly an aerospace artifact  that fell from a rocket or a satellite.
Yet this dose not explain why they keep on falling in the same place days apart.If they are aerospace artifacts i would expect they would be spread out over a much bigger area.
Also if they had actually fell from space i would expect a much larger impact crater.
So what could the answer be?
aerospace artifacts?
Government drones?
Alien invasion?
Or an elaborate hoax?
My money is on the latter however im willing to remain open mined until further information comes to light.

Was prehistoric monument in Golan Heightsbuilt by the giants of the Bible?


Rujm el-Hiri ,translated as the “stone heap of the wild cat”, the complex has five concentric circles, the largest more than 500 feet (152 m) wide, and a massive burial chamber in the middle. Its Hebrew name Gilgal Refaim, or “wheel of giants”, refers to the race of giants of old testament fame.

There is some supporting biblical evidence that the giants,also referred to  as the Nefilim or “Nephilim”, were the builders the Circle of the Refaim.

In Genisis “the Refaim inhabit the place called Ashtherot-Karnaim. Just ten miles from the rings is the site of an ancient Canaanite city called Ashtherot”.

In Joshua ,King Og of Bashan the last of the Refaim, who lived at Ashtarot, ruled a territory stretching From Mount Hermon to far into the north.

The most explicit description of the size of the people of Bashan is found in Deuteronomy 3. “King Og‘s iron bedstead is kept at Rabbah, and measures thirteen and a half feet long and six feet wide.” The Refaim “were a large and powerful tribe, as tall as the Anakim (giants).

King Og

The site is up to 5,000 years old, according to most estimates, meaning it was built around the time of England’s Stonehenge.

And like Stonehenge the site seems to have astrological significance,  on the shortest and longest days of the year , June and December solstices , the sunrise lines up with openings in the rocks.

The site is now used for training by Israel’s military,

Ape man sightings in the U.K (Bigfoot vs Big cat)

Caroline Toms, 34 of Little Hampton was walking her dog in Angmering Park Estate in Arundel, West Susex when she allegedly encountered and managed to photograph a image of a huge ape like creature seen above.

My mind runs straight to the famous Patterson Gimlin footage which was shot in 1967 by Roger Paterson and Robert Gimlin at Bluff Creek,California.

Despite denials by Paterson, right up until the end of his life ,the film is widely believed to be a hoax,more specifically a man in an ape suit. And that is what my initial reaction to this picture was.

But lets not jump to conclusions.Lets give it a moments consideration.Could a could large ape like creature survive undetected in the wild in the U.K?

Unlike the U.S the U.K is relatively small and places where a large creature could remain undetected are few and far between but that dose not mean it would be impossible.

Earlier this year evidence emerged of a possible large cat type creature on the lose in Brookland, Kent.

This account adds to the already quite large list of big cat sightings in the U.K.

Nick Arnold of the Kent Big Cat Research believes that the animals could be offspring of pets bought at Harrods department store in London.

“People used to keep these as animals as pets in the 1960’s, you could even buy them from Harrods.

“In the 1970’s the government introduced a dangerous animals act meaning it became much more difficult and expensive to keep them”

So there is indeed precedent for large creature or a population of large creatures to remain undetected in the wild here in the U.K, but a large ape like creature,a Bigfoot,well that seems out of the question.

And yet reports of such a creature exist.

In 2012 reports from Kent also emerged of the “Kentish Apeman” that is claimed towers eight-foot tall,and is covered in hair.

Graham S from Tunbridge Wells,told how when he was working as a painter in the house of an elderly lady, she regaled him with a tale of coming face to face with the apeman during World War Two.

“One particular day she went to the Common with her husband and was sitting on a bench when they became aware of a shuffling noise behind them.

“Upon turning around both her husband and herself saw what she described as a tall, hairy ape like creature with eyes that were burning a reddish colour and it was moving towards them at a slow pace. They observed this creature for some time until they became afraid and they both fled.

“She went on to say that they told the police and members of their family, thinking that a gorilla had escaped from a zoo, but were laughed at and were not believed.”

But this isn’t the only location that an “ape man has been reported in the U.K.

The mysterious Cannock Chase is the home to many a paranormal report from the “Pig Man” to black eyed children Canock Chase is said to be home to them all,not least among these is the Ape Man of Cannock chase.

Dozens of eyewitness accounts of the ape man have been recorded in the area over the years.The earliest being January 1879 when ” a strange black creature with great white eyes which sprang  out of the plantation by the roadside” was reported by a laboring man was employed to take a cart of luggage from Ranton in Staffordshire to Woodcock.

More recently in September 2012 September, a sighting was reported by a local resident, who described being chased by a terrifying beast whilst driving through Cannock Chase at 2am.

But despite there being numerous reports of an “ape man” reported in the U.K the skeptic in me finds it difficult to believe in the concept of the British Bigfoot.

However there dose seem to be evidence of the possibility of a population of large cats living the U.K not only in Kent as i have written about above but also  hidden within the many reports of the different paranormal entity’s said to dwell in Cannock Chase.

According to the bbc there have been 100s of sightings of a puma like creature in the chase in the last couple of years.

The explanation seems to be the change in the law in 1970s that made it illegal to keep exotic animals as  pets here in the U.K.

As appears to be the case with the big cats of Kent,when the law changed people would simply release there animals into wild and over time a small population could have conceivably made its home on the Chase.

So with Kent and Cannock Chase having reports of both a large ape creature and more credibly, reports of large wild cats i postulate that both big cat sightings and apeman reports are one and the same thing.

Maybe sightings of the British Bigfoot are  cases of mistakenly identified big cats living in the wild here in U.K.It s certainly and interesting theory and one that i think bears some consideration.

Mum-of-one has now vowed to move out of her two-bedroom home as she is certain it is haunted after “ghost “appears in selfie


Natasha Boden, 26,from Blackpool, Lancashire,has now vowed to move out of he two-bedroom home after a “ghost appeard in a selfie she had taken reports The Daily Mirror.

“I’ve never believed in ghosts or anything like that. If someone else had taken the photograph, I would think it was a load of rubbish but the face is so clear.” said Natasha and the Daily Mirror seems to agree with her.

I mean the face is so clear,what else could t be.

I am sure Simon Carr of The Daily Mirror looked at other possibilities of what this is before he ran with this amazing scoop.

He most certainly would have ruled out Pareidolia as an explanation.

Pareidolia being a psychological phenomenon involving a stimulus (an image or a sound) wherein the mind perceives a familiar pattern of something where none actually exists.

You know when you swear you can see a face in a tree or a castle in the clouds or mayhaps a “ghost” in a selfie,that’s Pareidolia.

Heres a few examples of the phenomena.

But as i say i am sure Mr Carr has ruled this out along with the possibility of fraud.We have all seen the apps available nowadays.A quick search of apple or google stores will yield many photo editing apps capable of inserting the image of a ghost into a photograph,some with quite impressive results.

Here are a few examples.

But again I am sure Mr Carr of the Daily Mirror has ruled out this possibility , as anyone who calls themselves a journalist would be able to debunk this story in just few minutes if it was in fact false.

So that leaves one conclusion.Natasha was in fact photobombed by a snapchat loving ghost,either that or the Daily Mirror is deliberately running a bullshit story and they wouldn’t do that would they.

Woman ‘spontaneously combusts’ in Germany claims the main stream media


Reports are emerging that a woman who is believed to be from  Mauritius, a volcanic island nation in the Indian Ocean,is fighting for her life after appearing to spontaneously combust as she relaxed on a park bench in in Flensburg ,Germany.

Spontaneous human combustion is a term given to reported cases of the combustion of a living human person without an apparent external source of ignition.

The earliest reported case of Spontaneous human combustion apparently dates back 1662 but the phenomena didn’t garner widespread attention until the the 1800s when writers such as Charles Dickens popularized the concept.

Dickens faced criticism popularizing something that dose not exist by using SHC as a literary device to kill off Mr. Krook, an alcoholic landlord in the novel Bleak House.Dickens responded to this criticism by presenting up to 30 examples of spontaneous combustion throughout history.

We don’t need to delve so far into history to find cases of spontaneous human combustion however.In 1980 Henry Thomas, a 73-year-old man, was found burned to death in the living room of his council house in Wales, His entire body was incinerated, leaving only his skull and a portion of each leg below the knee. The feet and legs were still clothed in socks and trousers. Half of the chair in which he had been sitting was also destroyed.


And more recently in  Ireland,the inquiry into the death of Micheal Fatherty recorded “spontaneous combustion” as the cause. The doctor, Ciaran McLoughlin, made this statement at the inquiry into the death: “This fire was thoroughly investigated and I’m left with the conclusion that this fits into the category of spontaneous human combustion, for which there is no adequate explanation.

Debate rages as to whether or not Spontaneous human combustion even exists.Skeptics insist that the physical possibilities of spontaneous human combustion are remote and argue that human body is mostly water and that besides fat and methane there isn’t much in the human body that would burn easily.They would say that examples of spontaneous human combustion are either cases of accidental ignitions or possibly murder.

Quite a number of explanations have been put forward as to the cause of Spontaneous human combustion ranging from ketosis, possibly caused by alcoholism, produces acetone, which is highly flammable and could therefore lead to apparently spontaneous combustion,to the “wick effect” hypothesis which suggests that a small external flame source, such as a burning cigarette, chars the clothing of the victim at a location, splitting the skin and releasing  fat, which is in turn absorbed into the burned clothing, acting as a wick.

So back to the story being reported in the media.Although the press seem to be reveling in the dramatic headline i think that this is far from a case of spontaneous human combustion.The fact that the incident occurred in a public park is not consistent with other reported cases of spontaneous human combustion and also the authorities are not ruling out attempted suicide.I think that unless any further evidence supporting the spontaneous combustion hypothesis comes to light then this is a case of a tragedy with an attention grabbing headline.

Five-year-old Ramses Sanguino examined by doctors after claims he is ‘telepathic’


Doing the media rounds is the case of a Five year boy from California named Ramses Sanguino.

Young Ramses has autism and has been described as a “child savant”, because of his ability to speak several different languages and solve complex mathematical equations from an early age.

Videos posted on YouTube by his mother, show Ramses speaking Japanese and  Russian as well as solving complicated algebra problems.Further videos apparently show Ramses reading his mothers mind as he writes down numbers his mother had apparently written  in secret.

This fantastic feat is what caught the attention Dr. Diane Powell a neuroscientist and former faculty member at Harvard Medical School.

Dr Powell, who trained at John Hopkins University, is studying Ramses as part of a radical research project into telepathy.

Powell,the author of The ESP enigma believes that  telepathy may be an alternative medium of communication for autistic children and their parents.She claims that because autistic children are deprived of the option of communication through language their brain somehow rewires itself to use telepathy as an alternative form of communication .

Unbelievable i hear you say well that was my initial reaction too.Young Ramses must have extraordinary memory abilities and / or be being coached by his mother.So i decided to look for more cases of alleged telepathy in autistic children and came up with this article about a young autistic girl from India named Nandana published by the.khaleejtimes.


Nandana was diagnosed as a highly functioning child with autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) and attention deficit hyperactivity syndrome (ADHD).

The extent of Nandanas condition meant It was very difficult for Nandanas parents to teach her even the concept of some basic objects,she struggled to even comprehend that a cup was a cup.

Nandanas parents said they noticed the “unusual coincidence” of her reactions to her mother’s thoughts,they soon released that it was more than a mere coincidence.“We don’t know how this is happening. But, she can feel my emotions and read my thoughts,” said Nandana’s mother,

“ Now, if I prompt her to type what I am thinking of, she can do that. Sometimes there could be spelling mistakes and she cannot understand the concept of punctuation marks and the space bar. If I say space in my mind when she types the words, she might start typing the word ‘space’ instead of leaving a space between the words,” said Nadanas mother.

So there is certainly other cases of autistic children showing signs of telepathy but what would be the crucial piece of evidence ,the smoking gun if you would.Well Dr Powell thinks she has it.

In an interview given on the 12 of July 2014 Dr Powell said this.

I have digit sequences that are 18 and 19 numbers long and 100% accuracy. The stats on that are incredible. I even had this one sequence where it’s 162 digits Out of 162 digits there was only 7 mistakes, and when told that is the wrong number this autistic child got it right on the second go.”

If this can be proven then i think it would go some way to substantiate Dr Powells assertions.